30 Day Workout Plans

There are a whole lot of benefits that await you if you toe the honorable line of working out with a definite guide. While it is erroneously believed that people need workout to get or stay slim, there are lots of other benefits associated with it. This explains why everyone must have a proper exercise schedule.

To get the best result within the best possible time, you have to draw up a 30 day workout plan. Indeed, this means that you have covered a month-long exercise. Why is this important? Apart from deriving all the benefits that you will get to know later, you can also make a full-time career as an athlete. To become a good athlete, 30 day workout plans remain the best way to get started. Therefore, in this piece, we will show you how to draw up a simple workout calendar, the benefits of workout and everything in-between.

A Concise Workout Calendar

You may be wondering: “What do I need a workout calendar for?” Well, the answer is simply to keep track of your progress as you kick off your exercise. It is going to be a daily routine – yes, it is! Therefore, thirty days of strenuous activity will be enough to get you going. Check out the timetable below.

  • Week One: Focus On Your Form  
S/N Day Description
1 Monday Concentrate on your lower body
2 Tuesday Concentrate on Upper Body
3 Wednesday Have Cross-Training
4 Thursday Work out with your entire body
5 Friday Focus on your abs
6 Saturday Have a Cross-Training again
7 Sunday Rest
  • Week Two: Go for More Repetition  
S/N Day Description
1 Monday Concentrate on your lower body
2 Tuesday Concentrate on Upper Body
3 Wednesday Have Cross-Training
4 Thursday Work out with your entire body
5 Friday Focus on your abs
6 Saturday Have a Cross-Training again
7 Sunday Rest
  • Week Three: Try Cross-training Workout
S/N Day Description
1 Monday Concentrate on your lower body
2 Tuesday Concentrate on Upper Body
3 Wednesday Have Cross-Training
4 Thursday Work out with your entire body
5 Friday Focus on your abs
6 Saturday Have a Cross-Training again
7 Sunday Rest
  • Week Four: Complete the Round
S/N Day Description
1 Monday Concentrate on your lower body
2 Tuesday Concentrate on Upper Body
3 Wednesday Have Cross-Training
4 Thursday Work out with your entire body
5 Friday Focus on your abs
6 Saturday Have a Cross-Training again
7 Sunday Rest
  • Week Five: Finish Up
S/N Day Description
1 Monday Concentrate on your lower body
2 Tuesday Concentrate on Upper Body

From the table above, you get to rest for one day. Guess what, you can get lots of benefits when you stick to this simple rule. Admitted, some people don’t find it simple. The truth of the matter is, a 30 days workout plan is all you need to start building the amazing body of an athlete. In the past, many people used it, and it worked perfectly for them. Therefore, you give it a try like many people who tried it earlier. Also, this 30 day workout plan for men can also be used by the females. No, it’s not gender-tailored schedule.

Importance of 30 Day Workout Plans

Are you still unsure the benefits that you stand to gain when you draft a 30 days workout plan for abs and overall fitness? You will see that shortly. 

Makes some people happy: People start working out for many different reasons. While the reasons behind this decision may vary, one thing common is that they become happier when the positive results start trickling in. For instance, some guys want to develop many abs just to attract the opposite sex. When they realize that their bodies are gradually taking the shape they desire, they are elated that the game is worth the candle

Leads to positive weight loss: On the other hand, if you want have the amazing bodies of the supermodels who adorn your billboards and catwalk on the runway for popular fashion brands, then you must prepare a 30 day workout plan to lose weight. Guess what, we have already done that for you. Research has shown that when you combine resistance training and aerobic exercise, you facilitate your fat loss and muscle mass maintenance. Try it yourself

Strengthens your muscles and bones: Do you have a gym at home? If yes, do you know that you can prepare a 30 day gym workout plan to build your muscles and bones? We trust you already know that, don’t you? If the current plan that you have doesn’t work for you, we strongly recommend that you start using the plan that we have up there. Notice that ageing also affects the muscle and bones, but working out slows down the process of bone fragility.

Improves relaxation and sleep: When you have a schedule for exercise, you will definitely relax better. The funny thing is that you may think that the exercise timetable that we prepared for you above is typically a 30 day workout plan to get ripped. Well, exercise depletes your energy. However, the same practice also stimulates recuperative processes when you slumber. When you work out, your body temperature increases. But then, when you sleep your body temperature will reduce as a result of the exercise. In turn, this leads to quality sleep.

Reduces pain: In the past, medical experts used to recommend that those suffering from chronic ache get enough sleep. Today, there have been studies that support the age-long practice. In fact, there have been countless number of occasions where patients are administered sleeping pills as a way of relieving certain pains faster. Some of the aches are back pain, fibromyalgia, etc.

Conclusion About 30 Day Workout Plans

Wrapping up now, the practice of using workout to stay fit has been here since time immemorial. More often than not, people prepare a 30 day diet and workout plan. To be clear, when you improve your diet, it also helps to expedite the positive process. Therefore, the best bet is always having great diet and workout plans.

More importantly, there are lots of other benefits that you stand to gain when you watch what you eat and do exercise regularly. In fact, this is common knowledge. To make this happen, you must start by sticking to the timetable above. When you do that, you are on your way to leading a healthier and happier life. Why wait? Start your exercise today!