Aerobic Exercise

Main aerobic exercises features:
• Exercise for muscles of the body
• Enables several joints
• an open or closed kinetic chain depending on the nature of the aerobic exercises
• Overcoming own body weight
• The load may be constant or variable
• Some require special skills and a fairly developed
• For all levels – from beginners to advanced
There are many areas of aerobic exercises which are usually built on cardiovascular exercises. Taking for aerobics with elements of martial arts (tai-bo, kataboks) or biking in the room (Johnny Spinning). Dance aerobics classes are conducted, as a rule, group classes to the music under the guidance of a qualified instructor. Many schools aerobics departed from the principle of the 1970s, “if there is no pain, there is no good” and introduced into the activity aspects such as strengthening the stabilizing muscles and strength training, including the use of gymnastic balls and weights.
If you are a beginner or badly prepared physically work out a few months in the preparatory group, and only then go to classes with more complex aerobic exercises programs. In large groups, usually little attention to proper technique execution of movements, so the training or no benefit, or there is such an effect, as the re-fitness. The fact that the instructor is not able to follow all and to make contact with each participant. If you have a physical problem that may be exacerbated during the course are kindly requested to inform the head of the group, so he picked up for you a safe and effective exercise.

20 Min of Aerobic Exercise at Home 20 Min of Aerobic Exercise at Home

Contraindications for 20 min of aerobic exercise at home are: diseases related to the cardiovascular system of minimum must be exercise in diseases such as bradycardia, tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension, hypertension. In diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract exercises power kinds of fitness is also not recommended or should be minimal. In this case, it depends…

Read More 20 Min of Aerobic Exercise at Home – Truth

30 min of aerobic endurance training exercises 30 min of aerobic endurance training exercises

30 min of aerobic endurance training exercises – great workout for the cardiovascular system, but if you deal with it properly, can lead to overload: the waist injury, thighs, calves, ankles and feet; sprains, tendonitis, stress fractures. Using the weighting at the ankles, dumbbells or steps may increase the likelihood of injury. Fitness industry, understanding…

Read More 30 Min of Aerobic Endurance Training Exercises