Welcome to our Athlean-XX for Women Quickies Series. Today we bring you an awesome 8 min ab workouts for women at home that’ll help you get a flat stomach in no time. This workout is made up of 4 of the best abs exercises in a circuit that you can easily do at home or anywhere you like.
So grab a swiss ball or a yoga/pilates ball, and let’s tackle this abs workout.
- Stability ball crunches.
- Stability ball rollouts.
- Stability ball passes.
- Russian twist with stability ball.
If you’re wanting to learn how to get a flat stomach, there’s a two-fold approach: learn best ab workouts for women at home and healthy nutrition!
For more exercises to get great toned legs, shapely arms and firm abs, be sure to check out our entire 90 day workout program for women called Athlean-XX for Women. You can choose from workouts like Glam Gams, Booty Full Butt, Amazing Arms and more. Each of the workouts can be done at home or at the gym.
Anyone who wants to be healthy and stay in good shape, just needs to pay attention to training their muscles. This also applies to the women’s press. The main rule – do not need to train in the fanatical pursuit of “cubes”, as in a healthy woman’s body, and they will not appear. The fact that in order to be seen “cubes” media, female stomach should not contain more than 10% fat, while the rate is 18%.
Moreover, the skin on the abdomen should be very thin, which is achieved by strict, perfectly balanced diet and a partial dehydration. Professional athletes bring your body into a state only for the period of the competition – are suffering, so-called “cost of trade”. Healthy woman who shakes the press can tighten abdominal muscles, but not to achieve “cubes”.
How to Download Press Girls: The Main Recommendations
To achieve a flat stomach, you need to follow a few simple rules. The best frequency of training – in a day. During this time the muscles have time to “grow” and are ready for further training.
It is not possible to achieve a good result, shaking the press a week or a month, and then leaving. The abdominal muscles are lazy and quickly lose their elasticity at the termination of exercise. Since the most difficult workout press for girls – is to force yourself to download it, follow the exercises regularly through the “can not”.
Drill press must be accompanied by a reasonable diet, as excessive body fat can hide pumped up muscles. Press quickly get used to the exercises and after a while no longer work for them. So about once a month is necessary to improve the training program – to change the position of the body, tilt, adding weights.
Do not hurry. It is better to do the exercise quality than fast. Try not to strain your neck. Imagine between your chin and chest is big apple. With experience, it will give you is easy. You can do this ab workout for women at home no equipment using. The minimum amount for each exercise – 3 sets of 15 times.
- Here are some exercises for the upper abs.
Lie on the floor on his back. Bend your knees and cross your hands behind your head to the castle. Spread the elbows. Lift the shoulder blades, trying to feel the contraction of the muscles of the abdomen. Gently lower to the floor.
The starting position is the same. Leaving one leg bent, straighten the other. Climb up, squeezing the press and raising the blade. Get down on the floor. Repeat with the other leg.
Lie on the floor on his back. Raise both legs so your thighs are angled 90⁰. Maximum straighten the knees. Lift the shoulder blades to the feeling of compression in the abdomen. Get down on the floor.
- To have a beautiful figure, you need to train the muscles and also the lower abdominals.
Lie on the floor on his back. Lift your legs perpendicular to the floor. Abdominal muscles to lift the legs and buttocks. The starting position in the previous exercise.
Lower the right foot to the floor as much as possible, but do not lower until the end. Lift and repeat with the left leg. Repeat the previous exercise, keeping your feet together.