Top 5 Shoulder Workouts with Dumbbells

shoulder workout with dumbbells

Shrugs in top shoulder workouts with dumbbells: used as the main motion for the study of the trapezius muscle.

Starting position – standing. Feet shoulder width apart, straightened arms with dumbbells at your sides. The body slightly tilted forward, loin preserves the natural sag, shoulders slumped as much as possible down trapezius muscles stretched. Pull the shoulders of the most up-to-back. After a moment’s pause, slowly return to starting position, moving the shoulders of the most down-forward.

The exercise is performed without rotations: just rises up, with a pause at the peak contraction. Throughout the movement, and try to keep the body and legs immobile and elbows – straightened. Avoid jerky movements. Repeat as necessary.

Variants of top shoulder workout with dumbbells at home with rods and lever simulator, in the “sitting” position, vertical position and inclination of the housing forward with rotation and shoulders without rotation (moving straight up and down). Use of athletic belt and means to strengthen the grip (gloves, magnesia, straps, hooks) is encouraged. 4-5 sets of 15-10 repetitions.

Swings Dumbbells in Top Shoulder Workouts

  • Swings dumbbells forward of best shoulder workout with dumbbells.

Used primarily for the study of the anterior bundle of deltoid and advanced athletes – to improve the effect of the separation of the deltoid and pectoral muscles. Starting position – standing. Feet shoulder width apart, hands with dumbbells along or just in front of the torso. The case hardly tilted forward, loin preserves the natural deflection. Lift one arm straightened with a dumbbell in front of you to shoulder height. After a moment’s pause, slowly return it to its original position while lifting a dumbbell with the other arm.

Throughout the movement, try to keep the body and legs immobile and elbows slightly bent. The upper point of the trajectory of the hand with the dumbbell should take a position where the little finger is above the index finger ( “pour water from a jug”). Concentrate on the sensations in the anterior deltoid beams. Avoid jerky movements. Repeat the movement a number of times for each side (right and left).

  • Swings dumbbells in sides in top 5 shoulder workouts with dumbbells.

Used as the main insulating exercise to work out the average beam deltoid muscles. Starting position – sitting. The body upright, loin preserves the natural deflection of the foot rest on the stable floor, straightened arms with dumbbells at your sides. Simultaneously lift both dumbbells to the sides just above shoulder level. After a second pause, slowly return to starting position.

Throughout the movement, try to keep the body (especially lower back) and legs immobile. Avoid jerking. Repeat this movement as many times. Possible options with the use of simulators and in a standing position. This exercise uses a triple Dmitry “drop – Set” (with the weight of discharge) 10 + 10 + 10. 30 repetitions provide a complete approach. For the “shock” on the contrary, he performs a triple “drop – set” with an increase in weight, but it starts with a very light hand weights. 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions.

  • Top 5 shoulder workouts with dumbbells and thrust rod to the chin.

Depending on the width of the grip is used for elaboration of the front deltoids beams (narrow grip) and to work out the muscles of the upper back, particularly the trapezius muscle (wide grip).

Starting position – standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms straightened with a barbell in front, the neck can touch the surfaces of the front of your thighs. The case hardly tilted forward, loin preserves the natural deflection.

Raise the bar along the body to the chin. After a moment’s pause, slowly return to starting position. Throughout the movement, try to keep the body and legs immobile. The upper point of the trajectory elbows should “look” up (to be above the neck). Avoid jerky movements. Repeat this movement as many times. Possible options using dumbbells in top 5 shoulder workouts with dumbbells and the cable simulator, with a vertical position of the body and leaned forward. Use of athletic belt and means to strengthen the grip (gloves, magnesia, straps, hooks) are recommended. 4 sets of 15 -10 reps.

  • Back swings in the simulator peckdeck ( «butterfly») for your top 5 shoulder workouts with dumbbells:

Used to work out the rear deltoids beams. Adjust the seat height so that your hands during exercise can exercise only the movement in the horizontal plane. Adjust the weight burdening. Starting position – sitting. The body upright, chest rests against the stop cushion, foot rest on the stable floor, straightened or slightly bent at the elbows in front of you hold the lever handle.

Take your hands through the sides as much as possible back. Feel reduction rear delts. After a moment’s pause, slowly return to starting position. Throughout the movement, try to fix the elbows (not bend, straighten your hands). Repeat this movement as many times. 4 sets of 15-10 reps.