Diarrhea Diet

diarrhea diet

There are times when we forget our resolve against gluttony and indulge in having various types of food. It usually happens when there is any special event; like any marriage ceremony or any festival. After having such huge amounts of food, we are affected by some bouts of diarrhea. Also, when we mistakenly take unclean food, we are affected by the disease. During this time, we are requested to have diarrhea diet by our physician.

When we are affected, we are unable to have a regular diet. We should have a special diet to ensure that our stomach is relieved of its daily activities so that it can heal faster. It is the usual stuff which our mothers had fed us when we were stricken with this disease for a day or two. We were usually fed on bananas, some toast and rice. In this article, we will delve deep into the diet for diarrhea.

The Foods That We Can Eat

We should have food that is easy to digest so that we ensure the body is able to get some rest from normal functioning. We could be having something among bananas and apple sauce. Some easy to digest items like rice along with some boiled potatoes. Some bread can also be had during this time. Sometimes, physicians also suggest that you could be having some oats as well. The best diet for diarrhea is to have food with low fibre content as it will be easier to digest.

During this time, you may get dehydrated quickly. So, you should also be having lots of fluids. It is good to have some broth or soup; mainly of chicken. It is also good to have coconut water which will also provide some electrolytes. We may also have some tea but without the caffeine. In some cases, it is also suggested that you take some sports drinks.

The diarrhea diet could also contain some probiotics. You can start taking these when the first symptoms show up. These can be found naturally in some foods like yoghurt, which is a sort of milk that has undergone fermentation. Its is also suggested to try some of the vegan ones. The ones that come to the mind are Sauerkraut as well as some kefir or kombucha. 

What are the Foods to Avoid on Diarrhea Diet?

We have gone through some of the foods that we can eat during this time. We will now also see some of the foods that cannot be in the diarrhea diet. We should avoid all dairy products and proteins as they will exert more pressure on the stomach.

Also, we should not be having any food with lots of spices and gravy. Having raw veggies and citrous fruits along with most fruits like grapes, figs and pineapples should be strictly avoided. Sweeteners should also be avoided as it only aggravates the disease. Any other food that could lead to the formation of gas should also be avoided and must not be part of the diet diarrhea.


Whenever we have a bout of stomach trouble, we should always try to keep ourselves hydrated. Else, it could lead to severe complications. We should be taking rest and also consult with the doctor. The doctor should advise some medication and the food items that could be taken by you.

We have already discussed the dos and don’ts about the diarrhea diet adults. We should always stick to this diet to ensure that we get well faster. The main point to remember is to avoid raw food and high fibre food as it could upset your stomach further.